Fanatec (Endor AG) announces partnership with PlayStation Studios, Polyphony Digital
Fanatec (Endor AG), the leading brand in simracing hardware, has entered a partnership with Japan-based game studio Polyphony Digital. [...]
Fanatec (Endor AG), the leading brand in simracing hardware, has entered a partnership with Japan-based game studio Polyphony Digital. [...]
Endor AG today presented its final figures for the 2020 financial year. Financially, Endor AG did not feel any negative effects in 2020, a year marked by the pandemic. [...]
Die Endor AG hat heute die finalen Zahlen für das Geschäftsjahr 2020 vorgelegt. Finanziell hat die Endor AG im durch die Pandemie geprägten Jahr 2020 keine negativen Auswirkungen gespürt. [...]
Die Endor AG, internationaler Player im E-Sport und Simracing-Markt, konnte im ersten Quartal Umsatz und Ergebnis deutlich steigern. [...]
Endor AG, an international player in the e-sports and simracing market, significantly increased its sales and earnings in the first quarter. [...]
Thomas Jackermeier, CEO der Endor AG, hat seine Beteiligung an der Endor AG erhöht. Seinen bisherigen unmittelbaren und mittelbaren Anteilsbesitz samt Familie von rund 47 Prozent hat er demnach um ca. 3 Prozent ausgebaut [...]
Thomas Jackermeier, CEO of Endor AG, has increased his stake in Endor AG. He has thus increased his direct and indirect shareholding, including his family, of around 47 percent by approximately 3 percent [...]
Der Vorstand der Endor AG hat seinen Ausblick für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 konkretisiert. Demnach rechnet der Vorstand mit einem Konzernumsatz der erstmalig in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe liegen soll bei zeitgleich steigenden Gewinnen.
The Management Board of Endor AG has specified its outlook for the fiscal year 2021. Accordingly, the Management Board expects consolidated sales in the three-digit million range for the first time with simultaneously increasing profits.
The SRO Motorsports Group and Endor AG have agreed on a significant expansion of their existing partnership. The Fanatec brand will become a multi-year title sponsor of the renowned Fanatec GT World Challenge powered by AWS (formerly Blancpain GT World Challenge) and the new Fanatec GT2 European Series.